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Paula Baird Maxheimer

Paula Baird 1961
Since graduating from Chaffey in 1961, I have worked as an administrative assistant for physicians, psychologists and most recently a specialty advertising company.

My husband, Bill, and I moved from Southern California to my grandparents farm near Rogersville, MO (near Springfield, MO) in 1980.

The farm was designated a Missouri Century Farm--since the property was homesteaded in 1858 and owned by our family for over 100 years. Soon after moving in, we completed several remodeling projects to a farmhouse that had been added to several times in years past. We have had quite an adventure adapting from suburban California to the farming community in rural Missouri. We have raised a few of the more traditional farm animals: cows, pigs, rabbits, turkeys, a goat, horses and chickens and even raised emus for a time. We have a large pond stocked with catfish, bluegill and smallmouth bass.
I continue to enjoy music and playing the piano for my own pleasure and for church, my mothers care facility and special events.

Bill and I have three sons and ten grandchildren. We are retired and hope to do some traveling to visit family and friends.

We are looking forward to the reunion and visiting friends from a half-century ago.

Paula Baird Maxheimer

Paula (Baird) Maxheimer 2011

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